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A lifelong practitioner of flower arrangement inspired by Ikenobo, considered as the oldest and prestigious institution. Manato started his practices in 2021, merging his love for nature by exploring its beauty through outdoor activities. His work, reminiscent of Buddhist flowers, reflecting Japanese sensitivity and its delicacy. With experience in scenography & synaesthesia, he creates an immersive experiences blending his art with space and sound.

池坊の流れを汲む華道家。2021年より個人活動を開始し、山登りや自然探索など自然への愛情を融合。 仏花を彷彿とさせる作品は、日本人の感性と繊細さを反映している。舞台美術と共感覚の経験を生かし、空間や音とアートを融合させた没入感を生み出す。

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